Professional Work at National and International Level

  • Member (Nov 2022 onward), Evaluation Teams (ET) for the Engineering Programs un the Chemical Engineering Sector, Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), IEB Bangladesh.
  • Member (Sept 2022 onward), Sectoral Committee (SC) for the Engineering Programs un the Chemical Engineering Sector, Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), IEB Bangladesh.
  • Member (Dec 2020 onward), Technical Committee for Circular Economy and Riverine Plastics Pollution Management, Ministry of Water Resources (Bangladesh Water MSP) (Ref: Gazette No. 42.00.0000.039.15.527 dated December 3, 2015 of Ministry of Water Resources)
  • Technical Team Lead (Apr 2020 onward), Standardization and Quality Control of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as Emergency Response of COVID-19 Pandemic, UNDP-WHO-USAid-DGDA.
  • Member and Co-Chair (May 2017 onward), ‘Fine Chemicals’ Committee, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute (BSTI), Ministry of Industries, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Technical Team Lead (Aug 2017 onward), Technical Working Group formed by Solidaridad Network Asia Limited to “Measuring Water Footprint and Sustainable Use of Water in the Leather Cluster of Savar in Bangladesh”.
  • Member (2016 onward), The National Steering Board of Bangladesh Water Multi-Stakeholder Partnership, Ministry of Water Resources (Bangladesh Water MSP) (Ref: Gazette No. 42.00.0000.038.18.039/15 dated December 6, 2015 of Ministry of Water Resources)
  • Member (2017 onward), Industrial Water and Wastewater Management Work Stream, Bangladesh Water MSP, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Member (2017), Committee to develop guideline for ‘Production, Processing, Packaging and Exporting Charcoal from Jute Stick’, Ministry of Textiles and Jute, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Member, Committee to Develop Guideline to Establish Bio-Ethanol Plants in Bangladesh (2016-17), Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh.