Major Conference, Workshop and Public Lectures


        1. Quality Assurance of PPE in Emergency Response of COVID-19.

        Webinar on Living with Covid 19: Issue, Challenges and the Way Forward, BUET Alumni Association, February 2021.

        1. Visual Inspection for PPE (Gowns, Coveralls, Fabric Masks, Surgical Masks, N95/KN95 Respirators.

        Seminar on Workplace Biosafety, Institute of Engineers’ Bangladesh, Dhaka, January 2021.

        1. Quality Assurance of PPE in Emergency Response of COVID-19: Challenges and Lessons Learned.

        Webinar on Technical and regulatory aspects of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 Response in Bangladesh, Director General of Drug Administration (DGDA), Dhaka, December 2020.

        1. Bioactive Papers: A Futuristic Tool for Health, Food, and Environmental Applications.

        Sixth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2020), Dhaka, December 2020.

        1. Chemical Mapping in Textile and Leather Sector: Consumption, Safety and Management.

        International Symposium on Chemical Safety and Security Management 2020, Shena Malancha, Dhaka Cantonment, February 2020.

        1. Leather Chemical Mapping: Consumption, Safety and Management.

        Promoting Safe Use of Chemicals (PSUC), Solidaridad Asia Network, Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, Feb 2020.

        1. Industrial Water and Sanitation: Choosing and Managing ETP, STP and Rainwater Harvesting for Textile Industries.

        ETP Training Series, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, BUET, May 2019.

        1. Workshop on Textile Chemical Safety and Management.

        TexChem Training Series, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, BUET, April 2019.

        1. Technical Workshop on Textile Effluent Management: Choosing, Monitoring and Managing ETPs.

        ETP Training Series, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, BUET, December 2018.

        1. Evaluation of Present and Future Wastewater Impacts of Textile Dyeing Industries in Bangladesh.

        2nd Water Bangladesh Int’l Expo, International Convention City, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Oct 2018.

        1. Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC): Future of Environment Friendly Business.

        Dye+Chem Bangladesh Expo’17, International Convention City, Bashundhara, Dhaka, August 2017.

        1. Workshop on Capacity Building on Environmental & Social Safeguard.

        Bangladesh Bank, Central Bank of Bangladesh, BRAC-CDM, Gazipur, September 2017.

        1. Short Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Management for Industries and Buyers.

        Bangladesh PaCT, IFC World bank Group, Dhaka, November 2015.

        1. Molecular Modelling of Antibody-Antigen Interactions to Guide Experimentation.

        Tony Whitehead Symposium, Otto Maass Chemistry Building, McGill University, June 2015.

        1. Training on Good Laboratory Practice for Officials of the Department of Environment (DoE).

        Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET. March-April 2015.

        1. Workshop on Technical Presentation and Poster Preparation.

        Satyen Bose Science Club, BUET, Dhaka, March 2015.

        1. Bioactive Papers: Past, Present and Future.

        April 2013: Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University.

        March 2013: Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.

        February 2012: Sigma Xi Lecture, Sigma Xi Montreal Chapter, Montreal, Canada.

        1. Development of Antibody Based Filters: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches.

        May 2013: 2013 BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Montreal, Canada.

        May 2013: CCG UGM & Conference 2013, Montreal, Canada.

        February 2013: PaperWeek Canada 2013, Montreal, Canada.

        1. 3D Molecular Modelling of Antigen-Antibody Interactions

        2013 BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, May 2013, Montreal, Canada.

        1. Detection and Deactivation of T7 Bacteriophages using Antibody Conjugated Beads.

        CSACS ECO Grant Winner Lecture, CSACS Annual Meeting, May 2013.

        1. Technical Writing and Presentation.

        April 2013: Workshop on Technical Writing and Presentation for the Undergrad Students of Dept. of Chem Eng, BUET.

        Jan 2010: Workshop on Technical Writing and Presentation for the Undergrad Students and Fresh Graduates of Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BUET.

        1. Blood Typing Using Chromatographic Separation on Antibody Treated Paper.

        International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE) 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

        1. 3D Molecular Simulation of Antigen-Antibody Interaction.

        The 85th Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, Montreal, Canada, 2011.

        1. Semi-empirical Molecular Modelling of Picloram Specific Antibody.

        The 11th Annual CERMM Symposium, Montreal, Canada, 2011.

        1. Molecular Modelling of Antigen-Antibody Interaction using the PM3 Semi-Empirical Method.

        Fundamental and Applied Pulp and Paper Modelling Symposium (FAPPMS) 2011, Montreal, Canada.

        1. Managing Pollution from Small and Medium Scale Industries in Bangladesh.

        Sigma Xi Young Researcher Lecture, 2011, Sigma Xi Montreal Chapter, Montreal, Canada.

        1. Stability and Reactivity of Enzymatic Papers.

        2009 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA.

        1. Thermal Stability of Horseradish Peroxidase Enzymatic Papers.

        63rd Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, 2009, APPITA, Melbourne, Australia.

        1. An Analysis of Effects of Internal and Surface Sizing on Ink Jet Printing Quality.

        63rd Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, 2009, APPITA, Melbourne, Australia.

        1. Printing Biomoelcules Part-1: Achieving Total Control of Biomolecule Delivery Using Ink Jet Printing.

        Chemeca 2008, Engineers Australia, IChemE in Australia, City Hall, Newcastle, NSW.

        1. Ink Jet Printing of Biomolecules on Porous Surfaces.

        International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE) 2008. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

        1. The Inertial Effects on the Capillary Flow in Surface Grooves.

        Chemeca 2008, Engineers Australia, IChemE in Australia, City Hall, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

        1. Mechanism of Non-Coalescence for Liquid Droplets at the Air-Liquid Interface.

        Chemeca 2007, Engineers Australia, Melbourne, Australia.

        1. Introductory of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Network.

        Workshop on Supporting Improved Effluent Treatment in the Textile Sector in Bangladesh, BRACK INN, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005

        1. Pollution Project: Investment Support to MACH.

        DUTCH Club, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005.