‘BET Research Group’ (Bio and Environmental Technology Research Group), aims to address different scientific, engineering and socio-economical issues related to Health, Food, Bio-fuel, Wastewater Management, Electronic Waste Management, and Cleaner Production.
Currently BET Research Group is working on different biotech and environmental issues which include food processing and preservation, artificial fruit ripening, low-cost detection of biomarkers and toxins, and 3D molecular modelling of antibody structure and antimodelingbody-antigen interactions.
To join BET Research Group potential students with high interest and self-motivation may contact at: mohid@che.buet.ac.bd, mohid.khan@hotmail.com
1. Dynamic simulation of pesticides used in brinjal production in Bangladesh
Research Student (s) – Shelim Mohammad Jahangir
2. Development of biodegradable, environmentally Friendly material for healthcare applications
Research Student (s) – Shohag Chandra Das
3. Tea adulteration by artificial and synthetic colorants in Bangladesh
Research Student (s) – Shohag Chandra Das
4. Detecting Iron Deficiency as a Premarker of Blood Disease and Health Condition
Research Student (s) – Md. Ajmain Shakib, Mahfuzur Rahman, Moinul Islam, Ahmed Shawki, Md. Daimul Haque
5. Developing Rapid Test Kit for Thalassemia Diagnosis
Research Student (s) – Md. Ajmain Shakib, Mahfuzur Rahman, Moinul Islam, Ahmed Shawki, Md. Daimul Haque
6. Treatment of Textile Wastewater: A Comparative study of Performance between Activated Sludge Process and Moving Bed Bioreactor
Research Student (s) – Md Imam Hossain, Md. Rakibul Islam, Mohammad Abbas Uddin
7. Bio coal, A Renewable Energy Source from Coconut Husk
Research Student (s) – Md. Ziaur Rahman Zim
8. Colorimetric Detection of Elevated ALT, AST Level in Blood
Research Student (s) – Rafsun Tahmid, Nazmus Shakib
9. Production of Biomethane from the Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste
Research Student (s) – Rafsun Tahmid, Nazmus Shakib
1. Diagnosis of Kidney Conditions Using Low-Cost Paper Diagnostics
Research Student (s) – Md. Nazibul Islam
2. Study of Growth Kinetics of High Lipid Microalgae in Local Environment
Research Student (s) – Anika Ferdous
3. Textile Sludge Characterization and Assessment of Solidification Options
Research Student (s) – Farah Haque
4. Study of Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membrane Processes for Advanced Treatment and Recycling of Textile Effluent in Bangladesh
Research Student (s) – Mesbah Ahmed
5. Analysis of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Residue in Locally Grown Vegetables Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Research Student (s) – Mysha Momtaz
6. Characterization and Analysis of Bioethanol Blended Fuel as an Alternative Transportation Fuel in Bangladesh
Research Student (s) –Laila Hossain, Samavi Farnush Bint-E-Naser
7. Development of a Benzalkonium Chloride based Antibacterial Paper for Health and Food Applications
Research Student (s) – Swarit Ahmed Shadman, Ishmamul Hoque Sadab, M. S. Noor
8. Practices and Prospects of Chemical Safety and Security in Bangladesh Textiles Sector
Research Student (s) – Farah Haque, Mursalin Khandaker, Rathin Chakraborty
9. Artificial Fruit Ripening: Analyzing Ripening Agents and Change in Nutritional Parameters
Research Student (s) – Mehnaz Mursalat, Md. Nazibul Islam, Asif Hasan Rony
10. Dental Erosion Potential of Beverages and Bottled Drinking Water in Bangladesh
Research Student (s) – Fatema Enam, Mehnaz Mursalat, Muzahidul Islam Anik, Nayer Sultana Nisha, Afrin Ahsan Esha
11. Concentration and Formation Behavior of Naturally Occurring Formaldehyde in Foods
Research Student (s) – Farrhin Nowshad, Md. Nazibul Islam
Team Members

Dr. Mohidus Samad Khan
Principal Investigator

Shelim Mohammad Jahangir

Shohag Chandra Das

Md. Ajmain Shakib

Mahfuzur Rahman

Moinul Islam

Ahmed Shawki

Md. Daimul Haque

Md Imam Hossain

Md. Rakibul Islam

Mohammad Abbas Uddin

Md. Ziaur Rahman Zim

Rafsun Tahmid

Nazmus Shakib

Sagnik Chowdhury Shanko