The work responsibility includes Beximco Sustainability Initiatives and Projects, and Head of Operations of Beximco Health and PPE.
As the CSO closely working with Beximco Top Management and Admin, Company HR and Compliance, Engineering, Utility and Maintenance Units, Supply Chain, Marketing and Merchandising, Power Generation, Chemical Storage and Waste Management teams on industrial and environmental sustainability issues.
As a part of Beximco Health and PPE, heading product development, production, quality control, commercial, marketing and merchandising related issues.
This technical advisory work supports different work group under the headquarters of WHO, such as:
- WHO TAG on PPE team
- WHO Prequalification of PPE, MDs and IVDs team, and
- WHO Local Production and Technology Transfer of PPE, MDs and IVDs team, to develop prequalification requirements and technological assessment of PPE items and manufacturers.
This work supports national health authorities in Bangladesh to develop a national quality control system for priority PPE items, which will inform procurement decisions by government and other agencies (DGDA, WHO, USAid, and JICA) through the identification of local solutions for testing PPE according to internationally accepted standards, outlined by WHO in the disease commodity package for COVID-19.
This work encompasses Teaching, Research, Consultancy and Departmental activities.
Teaching – Courses Taught: ChE 6504 (Fermentation Technology), ChE 6505 (Biochemical Engineering), ChE 473 (Biochem Eng I), ChE 475 (Biochem Eng II), ChE 203 (Chem Eng Thermo I), ChE 485 (Industrial Pollution Control), ChE 481 (Environmental Engineering I), ChE 411 (Economics and Management of Chemical Process Industries).
Design and Consultancy – Provide consultancy services to Biotechnological and Environmental Projects funded by Govt of Bangladesh, IFC-World Bank, JICA, European Funding Agencies and Local Industries.
Industrial Waste Management, Chemical Safety and Management, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Bioprocess Engineering, etc.
- Working on Industrial Waste Management, Chemical Management and Environmental issues since 2004; working experience with different waste management options including Physico-Chemical, Biological and Zero-Discharge techniques.
- Hands-on experience in designing and troubleshooting textile (dyeing and washing) and pharmaceutical Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs).
- Certified trainer (CSP-US Department of State) for chemical inventory, management and accountability
- Technological assessment of Green Energy and Biofuel production options.
- Prefers to mix Technical Consultancy with Research Approach
Research – supervising different research projects on Health and Food, such as: Food Processing and Preservation, Low-Cost Diagnostics to Detect Biomarkers in Biofluid, Biofuel Production from Biomass, Biological Effluent Treatment, Resource Recovery from Solid Waste, and Environmental Engineering, etc.
Nov’13 – Mar’18: Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Oct’16 – Jan’17: Visiting Research Scholar, Texas A&M University, USA
Jun – July’15: Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada
This work encompassed Theoretical and Experimental research. The Experimental research work aimed developing Antibody active paper and cellulose beads to detect and filter bacteriophage ‘T7’. The Theoretical research work aimed to perform molecular modelling of building blocks of Picloram antibody, 3D Homology modelling of Antibody Binding Fragments, and Quantum Calculation of Antibody-Antigen Interaction Energies at different physiological conditions.
This project developed bioactive enzymatic papers and low-cost paper diagnostics for blood typing. Main focuses of the project were to deliver enzymes and proteins in a controlled pattern on paper, to investigate activity, stability, selectivity, aging, fixation and retention of enzymes on paper.
Course Taught:
- CHE2165 (Bio-nano Engineering), MEC2404 (Fluids Mechanics)
- CHE3161 (Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics)
- CHE3164 (Reaction Engineering)
- CHE4180 (Chemical Engineering Project)
- CHE4163 (Transport Phenomena and Numerical Methods)
Work independently to design the ‘Effluent Treatment Plant, ETP’ and to develop the ‘Waste Management Plan’ for Renata Limited, a prominent pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh (
ISM was an international research project aiming pollution abatement. The project was funded by DFID (UK), USAID (US), Dept of Env (DoE) of Bangladesh Govt; and was undertaken by Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Stockholm Env Inst (SEI) and Uni of Leeds, UK. This project worked to identify and reduce industrial water pollution in the Turaag River and surrounding wetlands.
Key Responsibilities:
- Identifying and measuring water pollution in the Turaag River.
- Helping industries to establish and troubleshoot Effluent Treatment Plants;
- Report Writing; Scientific Publication;
- Presenting Research works to the Industry and Local community.
- Safety and Lab Manager: Chemistry Lab (2007-08) and Humidity Controlled Lab (2008-09), APPI, Monash University.
- Member of Safety Committee, Dept of Chem Eng, Monash University.
- Demonstrate different lab experiments.
- Marking reports.
- Maintain lab equipment.